ori m18

The Original Potato Cannon - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions     本來還以為是會說什麼狠話....ex.我看過你手機了 沒想到竟然是這麼暖心的情節 太太太太貼心了吧!!!! -------------------------------- Dcard原文 男友是一個超級愛睡的人那種可以從晚上9:00睡到隔天晚上9:00的人對!是整整2How to build the original hairspray powered potato cannon. Takes about an hour and $30. Shoots potatoes over 100 yards!!! ... -Cut the 3" pipe to about 13" or a size you prefer (the larger the combustion chamber; the more gas; the more boom) -Make sure th...


SJCAM Original SJ4000 WiFi Action Camera Novatek 12MP 1080P H.264 1.5 Inch 170 Degree Wide Angle Len 翻拍自找話題       原來兄弟結婚三年一直不跟弟妹同房的原因竟是... 老師你好:我是看了你那篇姐姐寫信來說妹妹幫助同性戀姐夫的文章後,考慮了兩天,才決定寫信給你的。我在生活中也遇到了類似的事情。我有一個兄弟,是大學同一宿舍上下鋪的那種,我們倆非常鐵,都是寒門出身USD 92.99 Free Shipping, Wholesale Price, SJCAM Original SJ4000 WiFi Action Camera Novatek 12MP 1080P H.264 1.5 Inch 170 Degree Wide Angle Lens Waterproof Diving HD Camcorder Car DVR support AV out - Black...


Milwaukee M12 Red Lithium Battery | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and Mor 世界上果然沒有純友誼... 看來他看上你了!!! --------------------------------- Dcard原文: 在大學我有一個很好的異性朋友 真正的好朋友 也從來沒有想過要在一起 從不來電的純友誼 我們無話不說 什麼地方也都一起去 被誤認為是情侶也不會覺得尷尬的這麼友好 那Find great deals on eBay for Milwaukee M12 Red Lithium Battery in Power Tool Batteries and Battery Chargers. Shop with confidence. ... NEW Milwaukee (2) M12 1.5 Ah Battery & M12 Battery Charger 12V (Red Lithium) NEW $59.95 Buy It Now Free Shipping 5 watch...


Messier Objects by Apparent Visual Magnitude   各位女孩...看完這篇,真的就算男朋友有什麼理由不讓你看手機(偷偷檢查一下手機吧) ---------------------------------- 原PO: 今天我要來講一個沒有童話般的結局的故事⋯⋯ 我們是遠距離一個月見面才一次 情人節當天 我被劈腿了 你問我怎麼知道的 因為M45 045 0000 Tau 1 03 47.0 +24 07 1.6 110.0 0.38 M31 031 224 And 5 00 42.7 +41 16 3.4 178x63 2900 M44 044 2632 Cnc 1 08 40.1 +19 59 3.7 95.0 0.577 M42 042 1976 Ori 4 05 35.4 -05 27 4.0 85x60 1.6 M7 007 6475 ......


Open Clusters - An Atlas of The Universe 真的是大老婆的反擊啊!!這篇看了令人大快人心啊!   ------------------------------------------------ 靠北婆家原文:請不要說把我當女兒,你會跟自己的女兒拿所有的薪水嗎?天天鬧要錢....連趕羚羊都出來了我賺的錢要全部交出來做為公出?憑啥啊Column 1: Standard catalogue name of the open cluster (Mel=Melotte, Col=Collinder, Tr=Trumpler, Fe=Feinstein). Column 2: Common name (or Messier number ) of the open cluster. Column 3: Right Ascension of the open cluster for epoch 2000. Column 4 ......


The Congress (2013)   原po真的是心太軟.... 為什麼好女生總是遇到爛男人呢!! 被劈腿的苦還要自己吞 希望原po好好想清楚啊!!! ------------------------------------- 原PO: 半夜睡不著 不小心滑開了男朋友的手機 才發現最傻的是我 為了你欠一屁股債 欠一屁股貸Directed by Ari Folman. With Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm, Kodi Smit-McPhee. An aging, out-of-work actress accepts one last job, though the consequences of her decision affect her in ways she didn't consider. |...
