OS Experience - TheBigBoss.org - iPhone software, apps, games, accesories, ringtones, themes, review 一名阿兵哥不幸被派到非洲 每天都過著無處發洩的生活 後來他看到了一隻駝鳥 他就想抓住他來發洩 可是問題來了...駝鳥跑的很快 於是阿兵哥就每天都在追駝鳥 後來有一天...一架飛機失事了 阿兵哥發現後趕過去救人 生還者只A page about iPhone Software. ... Requires iOS 7 and iPad OS Experience unleashes the true power of your iPad: it brings true multitasking to your iOS 7 device. OS Experience is a window manager that allows multiple apps to be run at once; no longer are y...