OS X Mountain Lion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia文 / 小Mic這是日本電視台的整人節目,這次的題目是「如果計程車上出現了只有你能看到的人」,由女演員扮演女鬼,突然出現在計程車的副駕駛座上,透過隱藏式鏡頭捕捉坐在後座的素人及演員們的真實反應,讓我們來看看這些被整者會有什麼樣的反應。 第二個也太好笑了! 【更多精彩內容請上《小Mic報報》;《小MiOS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8) is the ninth major release of OS X (formerly Mac OS X), Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Mountain Lion was released on July 25, 2012 for purchase and download through Apple's ...