60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac OS X Leopard) Wallpapers - Hongkiat春節將至,你是否已經規劃好連假的旅遊行程了呢?若是帶著毛小孩一起出遊,更要留意寵物的乘車安全,讓自己以及愛寵們享受舒適安全的旅程,吠吠揚揚迎狗年! 「由於貓和狗等寵物體重普遍較輕,若沒有適當地固定在車內,很容易在緊急煞車或發生碰撞時遭受嚴重的傷害。另一方面,寵物在車內自由穿梭容易讓駕駛者分心,而威脅One year ago, we showcased you 30 Nicest Apple, MacOS and iPod Wallpapers, and considered this as a sequel, here’s another 60 most beautiful apple related wallpapers; inclusive of apple logo, Mac OS X, time machine, iPods, and more. 90 wallpapers in total...