Oscar.com - The Oscars 2015 | 87th Academy Awards 女人在最性福的時刻最難忍受男人做什麼事呢?根據一份針對20到35歲年輕女性所做的性福問卷調查,發現了女人在床上最無法忍受男伴的惡行惡狀,在此列舉出最熱門的7大選項提供給男士們參考,快看看你是否也是常常會犯以下的毛病而不自知呢? 1、每次都要求不戴套子 女人Say NO 指數:★★★★ 原因:爽的都Get the latest news about the 2015 Oscars, including nominations, predictions, winners, and red carpet fashion at 87th Academy Awards Oscar.com. ... "It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life 'cause that's gonna happen. All that matters is that y...