盤點6件「銷售慘不忍睹的超失敗產品」超奇葩!#2 應該是蘋果最大的敗筆吧XD
Apple - OS X Yosemite - Overview 本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:他把歷史上各種最失敗的產品收集在一起… 果然,公司腦洞開太大真的藥丸啊! 如今改變我們生活的發明和產品有很多,也都被人津津樂道, 可是,也有很多逐漸被我們遺忘的,那些OS X Yosemite features a redesigned interface, powerful built-in apps, and some amazing connections between your Mac and iOS devices. ... Even better apps. Do everyday things in extraordinary ways. One of the best things about a Mac is that it comes loade...