FTP from Mac OS X好笑的數據中肯到讓你笑不出來。…..不管你自認為大腦中經歷多少複雜運算,人類最後總是做出一樣的決定。別急別急,請一張張海報對號入座吧!(淚) 作者是來自丹麥的作家、藝術家雙人組Wumo。他們對現代社會細心觀察,總結出各種精確到讓人無法反駁的圖表……承認吧!你FTP from Mac OS X ... I can connect to an ftp server using terminal and ftp but when I try using Finder it says invalid user name or password. Since I have a @ in my password and that messes up the ftp://username:password@address form for entering an ftp ...