Custom HTC One M8 Case | Commuter Series from OtterBox一個工程師坐在樹下唸書,另一工程師騎著一輛很炫的自行車經過。工程師問道:「你的車從哪兒弄來的?」騎車者回答:「剛一個漂亮的美眉騎車過來,她脫光了所有的衣服對我說,『你想要什麼我都給你』。工程師說道:「明智的選擇!你穿她的衣服肯定不合適的。」Protect your HTC One M8 with the dual-layered Commuter Series from OtterBox. Customize your HTC One M8 now! ... Rated 5 out of 5 by mcgarrett Better case Than Defender For those that have a tempered glass screen protector like myself, this case is a far ....