酒吧男扁人踢鐵板 對方竟是格鬥選手...
Jonathan Coulton 下次開扁,記得先拿出手機GOOGLE對方長相... 日前美國一名男子在酒吧與人爭執,竟朝對方老兄的臉上招呼,結果被打的男子反嗆:「Google me!Bixxh!(查查是我誰!婊子!)」 原來被打的是美國終極格鬥錦標賽輕量級選手Cody Gibson,雙方隨後扭打在一塊... From the mailing list: Hooboy, Summer is truly over isn’t it? That fact came crashing down onto my poor little head a few weeks ago as I was driving back from a weekend spent in the country, where mostly what I did was make river cairns with Hodgman. I tr...