logo 上身,藝術家Peddy Mergui 帶來大牌食品包裝設計
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV long journey MPG test and electric driving review - YouTube一個成功的品牌意味著他們的logo、配色等形象細節深入人心,以色列藝術家Peddy Mergui 近日就利用起這些視覺特性,構想出一系列具有大牌風格的食品包裝,如iMilk、蒂芙尼優酪乳、GUCCI 罐頭、LV 肉腸、NIKE 檸檬等。品牌logo、配色,甚至於字體和命名方式都被運用起來,讓食品看起Green and 4x4’s – what springs to mind? Pulling horse boxes up green lanes or the transporting the well-heeled kids to school perhaps? Or is the Outlander PHEV from Mitsubishi changing these stereotypes? And showing that there’s an eco-way-ahead for those...