outlook gmail pop設定

Gmail configuration for Outlook - smtp and pop3 for Outlook and Outlook express這學生太有才了...拍拍手 This online utility generates POP configuration for Outlook and Outlook Express for GMail. Simply fill your Gmail address (and optional password and display name) and this online tool generates complette configuration for Outlook Express. Save the file to...


configure gmail in outlook 2013 | POP3 & IMAP - YouTube第一名天蠍vs摩羯!!! 是要互相把對方鬥垮嗎? If you want to access your gmail inside outlook you have hit the right link this video tutorial will show you how to configure gmail inside outlook using POP3 as well as IMAP. wait wait waith what the hell is POP3 and IMAP If you are not quite sure what t...
