Outlook Web App - Everything OWA很多男人都怕被問到這個問題: 老婆跟媽同時掉水裡,你先救誰? 回答得好,老婆開心老媽放心,一家人和和美美;回答不好,那就是兩頭受難,日子難過。 這個問題,表面上看是救人問題,其實是老婆和媽誰更重要的問題。 那麼,老婆和媽究竟誰更重要呢?這個老公If you have set up your computer to use Outlook Web App offline, and then log into OWA with a different account, the App cache of any offline user on the machine will be cleared. The new user logging in will be presented with the following message: John S...