同時交23個女友 這個“國民老公”生病,女友們趕到醫院,結果.....
Oxford English Dictionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia同時交23個女友!這個“國民老公”生病,結果來了17個女友探望 21歲的小麗是湖南湘潭人,3月24日晚,她接到電話說男友袁某因車禍重傷住院。心急火燎的她趕去探視,怎麼也沒想到,袁某的病床前圍了十幾名自稱是“妻子”的女子,小麗一下子就傻了。 十幾名&ldBy the time the new supplement was completed, it was clear that the full text of the dictionary would now need to be computerized. Achieving this would require retyping it once, but thereafter it would always be accessible for computer searching – as well...