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Oxford Dictionaries台灣傳統農業社會中,媳婦通常稱自己丈夫的哥哥為大伯,弟弟為小叔.一日,老張在忙完田裡的工作後來到溪邊洗澡,忽然想起和已過逝的老伴多年的甜蜜春光,一時性起,見四下無人就當場DIY了起來,事畢,隨手摘片樹葉擦了後就放到溪中隨波逐流,口中喃喃唸著:"唉!如果妳媽媽還在世,你就是老三了”,突然一Free online dictionary of British English and American English from Oxford. Translate from English to Spanish, French, Italian, and German with bilingual dictionaries. Get writing, spelling and grammar help, and play word games. (US)...


Home : Oxford English Dictionary警察叫一個男人把車開到路邊,對他說:「先生,麻煩你對著這個酒精測量儀呼口氣。」 那個男人說:「我有嚴重的哮喘病,如果這樣做,便會發作。」 「那麼,請你跟我到檢查站驗驗血好嗎?」 「這不行,我有血友病,一驗血就會因血流不止而死」 「那麼驗尿吧。」 「我有糖尿病,一驗尿,血糖含量就會變得非常低。」 「那Oxford Language Dictionaries Online Oxford Reference Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Already a subscriber? Sign In » Does my library subscribe? Subscribe to the OED Online access to the full OED, and now incorporating the Historical Thesaurus of ....


Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com | Find the meanings and defin我老公不在家~~~~ ~~端午節時,公司發了一箱牛奶和一袋泰國香米女同事力氣小,搬不動叫我幫她送回去到了她家樓下,她對我說:“你在樓下等等我,我上去看看,如果我老公在,我就叫他下來搬;如果他不在,那就麻煩你幫我搬上去吧。”我點了點頭過了一會兒,同事站在她家的陽台上朝下叫:&lOxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com - the largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of English. Quickly find clear definitions and audio pronunciations of words. ... The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dicti...


Oxford English Dictionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia醫學愈來愈發達,終於有一天,可以換腦了。某人覺得自己太笨,跑去找醫生要求換腦。「腦的現貨有三種。」醫生端出三罐腦:「你自己挑吧!」「我的錢不多,不知道哪種最便宜?」某人問。「哦!那當然是我們醫生的腦子。」醫生指指其中一罐:「這腦用得太多,舊得快報廢了,所以不但便宜,還對折優待。」「那麼這一罐呢?」某The Oxford English Dictionary (OED), published by the Oxford University Press, is the largest dictionary of English. Work began on the dictionary in 1857 :103–4,112 but it was not until 1884 that it started to be ......


Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com | Find the meanings and defini某天 有兩個有錢人在路上相遇了 然後他們兩個聊了一會兒 便開始找到了一個話題:誰的女傭比較笨 第一個有錢人把女傭叫來 跟她說:你回家找看看我在不在家 女傭:是! 那個有錢人對另一個有錢人說:你看他真笨!! 我明明就在這裡怎麼可能在Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com - the largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of American English. Quickly find clear definitions and audio pronunciations of words. ... The Oxford Advanced America...


Cambridge Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus有一個滿身酒氣的醉漢上了一班公共汽車,他坐在一個神父旁邊。那個醉漢的襯衫很髒,他的臉上有女人的亮紅唇印,口袋放著空酒瓶,他拿出他的報紙閱讀,過了一會兒,他問神父說:「神父,得關節炎的原因是什麼?」「這位先生,它是因為浪費生命、和妓女鬼混、酗酒和不自重所引起的。」神父如是說。「噢,原來如此!」醉漢喃喃Free online dictionary from Cambridge University Press....
