Warmoth Custom Guitar Parts - P-Bass '51 女生們,妳的他是哪一種呢?分享一下交往的感覺給我們聽聽吧!!! 小編交往過第二種,生活真的很開心呀~~他的開朗會感染妳每一天~~ 男生們,你是屬於哪一種呢?特徵都有中嗎?? 羽逸 熱門話題: ★「柯震東」談出獄感受:最在意被說「只有3公分」!!This is the vintage slab body perimeter shape though this Warmoth version features the newer rounded heel neck pocket. This pocket matches the current P and J necks as well as Warmoth P, J, and Tele® head necks. 51 P Bass® Bodies Rear Rout ......