【Lee Urban Riders X Lady on the Move】新潮設計,讓你成為今年秋冬
P-Bass or Jazz Bass? | TalkBass.com 什麼樣的穿搭,可以風靡流行界長久的時間而不消退?答案就是丹寧。而今年 2014 ,已創立長達 125 年的 Lee Jeans 所推出的 Urban Riders都會騎士 和 Lady on the Move 型動女生系列,讓丹寧愛好者愛不釋手,原因何在,其實關鍵就落在功能與外And of course to make things more interesting,the feel and tone of both P and J basses have changed a bit over the years. A vintage Jazz bass is quite different from the Mexican Standard Jazz and even the American Standard Jazz, they are different weights...