P-CAD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 好久沒有跟萌友分享好聽的歌曲排行榜了! 正這麼想的時候, 剛好發現charapedia網站有這樣的排行榜 以演唱動畫歌曲的女性歌手作為主要選項! 來票選出最喜歡的歌曲排行榜~ 這次依然由萬人選出! 男性佔了63.8%,女性36.2% 可以感受到男生對於這類的票選參與度投P-CAD was the brand name created by Personal CAD Systems, Inc., a company founded in 1982 in Los Gatos, California, by Richard Nedbal (CEO) and Roy Prasad (VP of Engineering). Both were former executives of American Microsystems, Inc. (AMI), a custom semi...