不懂跟異性避嫌 欺騙男友,還靠北男友不夠信任尊重
P-CAD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這種女生真的很不要臉 自己欺騙男友在先 還憑什麼談信任? 明明就是個婊子 還想立貞節牌坊嗎? 男友也真可憐 忍了一年多才生氣 男生也是傻了 早該放生還在那邊撐 靠北男友原文: 尊重! 信任! 都是說說而已嗎? 我跟我的男友在一起5年多了,最近真的有點想跟他分手了!! 雖然他對我確實不錯P-CAD was the brand name created by Personal CAD Systems, Inc., a company founded in 1982 in Los Gatos, California, by Richard Nedbal (CEO) and Roy Prasad (VP of Engineering). Both were former executives of American Microsystems, Inc. (AMI), a custom semi...