Units: P - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -想當年小大一的時候,真的是懵懵懂懂的看到蠻多學長姊不是小團體就是單人行動還在想說學長姐怎麼都這麼孤僻是都交不到朋友嗎?真的是大了才會懂大一時期整班和樂融融,漸漸得變成三國時期大一下學期,好一點是春秋五霸,壞一點就變戰國七雄了大二開始五代十國四分五裂,一堆小團體出現大三開始就軍閥割據,自成一國大四幾乎P P or p a common short form of PM or pm (see below), used in statements of time. paardekracht (pk) the Dutch word for the metric horsepower. pace [1] a traditional unit of distance equal to the length of a person's "full" pace, that is, the distance betw...