Liberty Walk最新力作 Audi S5 Coupe寬體誕生
Tips for Passing DQT NSW Driving Test (P2 to Unrestricted Licence) -Rambling Thoughts Blog 【童國輔/報導】外觀部分改裝總是最能吸引路人目光注意,即使只是一部式售版的雙門跑車,但透過線條誇張的空力套件加持,就能轉身一變成為氣勢不輸超跑的屌車,而目前最夯的空力套件風格,當以Liberty Walk所掀起的寬體錨釘套件最熱門,如果能在配上Air Rex氣壓避震器、大J數深唇輪圈與外八輪胎定位The DQT (Driver Qualification Test) is the final test for new drivers in New South Wales to pass before they can progress from a P2 driver licence to a full unrestricted Silver or Gold licence. After I passed the DQT I thought I’d publish all the official...