CPUs - 2015 News, Reviews and Benchmarks - AMD, Intel, ARM (圖片翻攝自好奇心日報 ) 一週前,我們才下飛機一個小時,就坐在了猶他州帕克市的埃克爾斯劇院(Eccles Theater)裡,觀看《瑞士軍人》(Swiss Army Man)在今年聖丹斯電影節的全球首映。觀眾們不知道會看到什麼,甚至到現在也解釋不清楚。最終上演的其實是部高級黑色喜劇,雖然偶爾會轉CPUs serve as the heart and soul of your desktop, notebook, and tablet. But with so many devices, power budgets, and performance requirements, it’s not always easy to pick the right hardware. From AMD to Intel and x86 to ARM, Tom’s Hardware has you covere...