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101 Dalmatians (1961) - IMDb source:2ch下同 ▲四位比基尼女生你喜歡哪一個? 是日本人真的都無聊還是怎麼樣? 怎麼都會發現或者調查一些有的沒的東西XD 繼上次「神準到不行!5名拿著肉包的正妹你喜歡哪一個?而傳說98.6%的處男都一定會選中「這一位」無誤!」之後 又有網友在2ch論壇分享了一張四個櫻花妹穿著比基尼在海灘Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske. With Rod Taylor, J. Pat O'Malley, Betty Lou Gerson, Martha Wentworth. When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabo...


One Direction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲網友出門買東西卻搞到買來的飯跟機車都弄丟了?!(sourse : baidu) 東西忘記不見應該是大家都經常發生的事情,但是買飯買到便當不見、甚至整台機車消失是不是有點扯了呢?根據PTT分享,有一位網友開車出門洗車順便買便當,買完之後就隨手將剛買來的蝦仁炒飯掛在機車把手上,然後就到超商去買包七星One Direction (commonly abbreviated as 1D) are an English-Irish pop boy band based in London, composed of Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Previously, Zayn Malik was a member until his departure from the band in March 2015. The g...


Understanding Evolution   在2015年發表的第6大改款BMW 旗艦房車7系列,曾將手勢控技與遠端遙控鑰匙功能加入,為滿足性能買家的駕馭需求,BMW 也在去年發表追加四驅傳遞、配置V12雙渦輪增壓引擎,擁有最大610匹馬力輸出的M760 Li xDrive。一年過後,如今,BMW預計今年將再發表全新車型,預估市Teaching the science and history of evolutionary biology, from the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education....


That page is gone.BMW先前預告將在X系列的休旅車家族中,在新增一個定位於X5、X6的頂級旗艦七人座休旅X7後,將目標鎖定在Benz GLS –Class、Audi Q7德系競爭對手。這台建立在BMW新世代CLAR模組化平台的全新頂級「七人座」旗艦休旅車X7,與X5擁有相當高度相似的車身,但X7採雙腎型水箱護罩,和進We are jiggling today. ... Actually, it's all gone. The best parts have evolved into something different, but is now retired. Thanks for stopping by!...


Cronut™ 101 | Dominique Ansel Bakery ▲尻尻竟然尻到受傷進醫院?!圖為示意圖,非本人。(sourse : baidu) 男生通常都會有自己的私密時間,每當這個時候就會打開電腦裡的神祕資料夾來進行「活塞運動」,但是怎麼會搞到頭破血流、甚至進醫院縫三針呢?根據Dcard分享,有一名男網友的室友就有這一麼段離奇怪異的經歷。   某What is the Cronut pastry? The Cronut pastry is the unique creation by Chef Dominique Ansel that many have described to be a croissant-doughnut hybrid. After its launch on May 10, 2013, Cronut pastry fans spanned the world from Berlin to Singapore ......


Football (soccer) highlights, goals, videos & clips | 101 Great Goals - No matter where you are in t ▲男友故意在自己媽媽面前捉弄女友,最後男友媽媽反應讓大家噴笑。(source:youtube,下同)   美國人的惡作劇沒有最狂,只有更狂!有一名名叫Hammy的Youtuber竟想出一個壞到不行的整人招數:逼女友穿震動小褲褲出門,接著故意邀請自己的媽媽與女友同行去郊遊,最後在車子上狂按No matter where you are in the world, this site allows you to keep up to date with all the latest goals from around the world. This is your one-stop-shop to get your footy fix – on your terms, at your convenience and with your own input. Feel free to le...
