pages sec high

High pages/sec and page faults/sec. What can I do/check? - Ars Technica OpenForum 在每個人心目中,都有個最喜歡的身體部位,有些人喜歡「臀部」也有人喜歡「鎖骨」, 各個部位都有許多愛好者,但你看到批踢踢西斯版(sex)女鄉民傾巢而出,並且PO出你心目中最喜歡的部位,不知道你把持得住嗎?到底是什麼原因,讓這些西斯女鄉民PO出美照呢?就讓我們繼續看下去吧!   啊~嘶 原因Pages might be OK, depending on whether it's pages in or out. Check that. If you're paging in, the number is a bit high. If you're paging out, the number is VERY high. The maximum probably occurs during the boot. How much memory is installed? Does a reboo...


PerfMon: High Number of Pages/Sec Not Necessarily Low Memory 圖片截自youtube下同 《英國達人秀》日前來了一位年僅16歲的少女Hope 他要上台想要唱歌表現他的歌喉 但她剛開口唱第一句就被毒舌評委Simon叫停! 嫌棄她的風格已經聽到過數百遍了!請他立即換一首 結果當他再次開口時....   影片轉自youtubeWhen using Performance Monitor, you might encounter high Memory: Pages/sec counter values that are not related to either paging file activity or cache activity. These high values may instead be caused by the an application sequentially reading a......


High Pages/Sec, Page Faults/Sec, and Free RAM - Ars Technica OpenForum 根據日本R25的報導,他們以「絕對不能告訴男友的秘密」為題,找來200名20到30歲現今單身,但曾有過戀愛經驗的女性進行調查。 究竟女友最不可告人的秘密是什麼?統計結果出爐囉,前5名秘密皆與性事有關(難怪不能說   據統計,前五名分別是: 第五名:「曾與年齡相差20歲的男性發生性關係」佔Memory:Pages/sec and Memory:Page Faults/sec are for most intents, not super-valuable counters. If you're worried about memory utilization, use the Memory:Page Reads/sec counter, which shows the number of reads from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard ....


High Pages/Sec & Disk Transfers/sec, in the Citrix XenApp / Presentation Server forum on BrianMadden (Source:Sirabee)本文圖片皆來自此處   根據Sirabee的報導,特別為這神秘職業的辦公室進行採訪,該公司的名字為「日本內容審查中心」的社團法人,也是日本倫理審查最大的第三方機關,這裡職員做的工作其實是:每天觀看各種商業 A 片作品來審查哪一些部分需要上馬賽克  Might want to try this. It's called the True control template and you can get it from Login. I use it to redirtect the home folder to a drive letter rather than a ...

全文閱讀 | Spotlight on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (source:靠北女友)   大家常常會把另一半介紹給身邊親近的朋友認識,這是一種認同也是增加連結的方式。然而,萬一另一半愛上你的朋友,你又是什麼感受呢? 在靠北女友有一名男網友上網發文,他的女友竟然愛上自己的好朋友。痛苦之餘,他也只能祝她與好朋友幸福。 然而在他回到合宿的房間時,遇到The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), enacted in 1977, generally prohibits the payment of bribes to foreign officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business. The FCPA can apply to prohibited conduct anywhere in the world and extends to publicly ...


Malathi's Blog - (source:Dcard)   很多人已經和前任分手了,卻還是走不出來,寧願當著名義上的好朋友。但是其實還是很在意對方的一舉一動,無可自拔。 兩性專家建議,分手後還是斷絕所有的聯絡比較好,曾經有過一段情是無法再當好朋友的,除非已經事隔多年。不要虐待自己了,果決放手吧! 有一名女網友在DLearning Performance Counters : Memory/Available Mbytes and Pages/Sec. Introduction I firmly believe a DBA is only as good as how well he/she knows Performance Counters. I have been wanting to blog/learn on them for a long time and thought would start wit...
