OUTRUNNER 2014 S S 螺紋美式背心
PAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 潮流品牌 OUTRUNNER 滿足大家需求,2014 S/S 推出全新單品、螺紋美式背心,以復古的美國國旗圖案為設計,滿足夏天想要更加潮流的各位,三種配色選擇,相信會飾搭配造型的好選擇。 編號:891403 顏色:黑 藍 灰 SIZE:M-XL 售價:NT.480$【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwPhase Alternating Line (PAL) is a colour encoding system for analogue television used in broadcast television systems in most countries broadcasting at 625-line / 50 field (25 frame) per second (576i). Other common colour encoding systems are NTSC and SEC...