流線型設計 都會小車 Volkswagen Golf R 400 概念車款
Palm Springs Outlet Mall Shopping - Cabazon Outlets Volkswagen 福斯汽車、經典車型Volkswagen Golf至今已經有40年歷史,其中"R"系列更帶來不同的強大馬力,在本回2014中國車展當中,全新概念車Volkswagen Golf R 400 車款也在大眾面前亮相,0加速100公里只需要3.9秒。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwThe Palm Springs Outlets Shopping Malls Cabazon & Desert Hills Outlet Stores - Near Palm Springs Ca The Cabazon and Desert Hills Outlets has opened new luxury boutiques, including the first Alexander McQueen Outlet in the U.S. The Premium Outlets in ......