Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 review | Cameralabs話說,很多妹子都在戀愛中遇見過渣男,不過在某種程度上,這也許並不是一件壞事,只要儘早發現並迅速離開就好。 最近日本一媒體就採訪了一眾日本妹子,並總結出了「分辨渣男和好男人的5個方法」,大家一起感受一下吧! 1、和他在一起是什麼感覺?  Looking for a Panasonic 25mm f1.4 review? Find out how this Leica for Micro Four Thirds compares against the 20mm f1.7 and others! ... At the end of the lens is a 46mm filter thread (gratifyingly the same as the Panasonic 20mm f1.7, 45mm f2.8 and Olympus ...