「如果我對你好,你也會這樣對我嗎?」,融化Youtube 300萬人的求婚影片
Panasonic's Cumulative Production of Solar Cells for its HIT Solar Modules Reaches 1 Billion | Panas Youtube上的求婚影片一直是最受歡迎的類別之一,日前一對美國鹽湖城同志情侶的求婚影片上傳到Youtube上後引起廣大迴響,各家電視媒體也爭相報導。 影片主角達斯汀(Dustin)跟著室友到當地的建材商場Home Depot ,以為是要幫室友挑選派對的燈光材料,殊不知男友早就在賣場內為他佈置了另HIT Solar Modules On 7 May, 2014, Panasonic announced that since the start of production in 1997, the total cumulative production of the solar cells used in its HIT solar modules has reached... : Exclusive Panasonic news from around the world picked up by...