P2Studio at Panasonic - Panasonic Business Solutions | Products, Solutions, Industries 圖片來源 1 2 你知道男生最想娶回家的女生是怎麼樣的嗎? 排名Top10的女生中,第一名既不是進得廳堂下得廚房的女生,更不是現在的看臉!究竟是怎樣的女生,會讓男生們都夢寐以求呢? 10.會理財,操持家計。 圖片來源,以下同 9.有時尚品味。(與10並列) 8.擅長家務Learn more about the P2Studio camcorder system for helping shoot high definition video. Panasonic ... Designed for applications where the camera is used on-shoulder; the P2 Studio package expands on the basic camcorder studio package — including the ......