Panasonic Plasma TV - Viera Reviews, HDTV Models 2014 文章取自微信公眾號:英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 話說,Bears是美國加州的一個婚禮攝影師... 她平時也拍一些女生的閨房照... 基本畫風是這樣的... 前幾個月,美國發生了奧蘭多槍擊案等一系列悲劇,朋友圈瀰漫着一股悲哀,緊張的氣氛。 Panasonic VIERA S60 Series The S60 series is your bare bones model with a full HD picture. It replaces the popular U50 series from 2012. It has built in wifi and a web browser. Panasonic also added a few content providers, but left out the full Viera Conn...