pandora radio station

Pandora Advertising - Intenet based Radio Station Target Marketing網路流行已久的系列圖     有概念了吧! 就是把照片中最"逼雞"的臉變成大家的臉               全部變成燈了!!     這張真的太絕了!!    Now, Pandora advertising let's you reach customers right in your neighborhood at a fraction of the cost of traditional radio advertising. Great for retail. ... Advertise on Pandora Radio Now, even small businesses can target potential customers with Pando...


F.C.C. Allows Pandora to Buy South Dakota Radio Station - The New York Times 恩 看來風真得很大...In buying a terrestrial radio station in Rapid City, the Internet radio company hopes to get more favorable royalty rates. ... The Federal Communications Commission on Monday gave Pandora Media permission to buy a small radio station in South Dakota, brin...


How to Make a Custom Pandora Playlist | eHow     我覺得 正妹比較美味..  Pandora is an online radio station that you can customize over time. By choosing artists that you like, Pandora will pick music for you. You let Pandora know on each song played if you like it or not. Based on your selections, Pandora will continue to cus...
