Panerai wristwatch photo blog: The PAM 104 and PAM 312 compared (翻攝自Dcard) 看了底下網友的回覆真的快笑翻了!!! "那吹一下是性冷感嗎" "搔耳朵就是性騷擾囉?!" "我常吹我家的狗耳朵阿...那不就人獸交" 網友真的是很會舉一反三欸!! 我以為摳掌心才是性暗示, 還是...這已經是很老派的做法了? 好吧..小編已老... ------I always thought the 104 type case was desirable until I tried on the 312 type case and it was game over. There is no comparison - the 312 is so beautifully sculptured whilst the 104 is just a square block by comparison. Furthermore the sandwich dial is u...