AMG新銳強勢初征 C450 AMG 4MATIC登台
Panoramio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 【焦能義/報導】45 AMG配置手工打造AMG引擎可輸出360匹最大馬力及45.9公斤米最大扭力已經夠嗆,但就敗在2.0升引擎的名稱聽起來感覺不怎麼給力。或許因此造就了C450 AMG誕生,以367匹最大馬力及53.06公斤米最大扭力的3.0L V6渦輪增壓引擎的猛獸級動力,外加僅C450可以選配Panoramio is a geolocation-oriented photo sharing mashup owned by Google. Accepted photos uploaded to the site can be accessed as a layer in Google Earth and Google Maps, with new photos being added at the end of every month. The site's goal is to allow G...