parallel port

Parallel port - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 新光三越站前店週年慶壓軸登場 WMF壓力鍋全台獨家 超值59折  旺代企業旗下品牌 全面8折 全檔滿萬抵仟 十二月百貨週年慶,由新光三越站前店壓軸登場,祭出全台最殺優惠組合,帶動一波家用品搶購熱潮。生活精品龍頭 旺代企業 旗下品牌:LOTUS藝術水晶、日本皇室御用餐瓷Noritake與OA parallel port is a type of interface found on computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting peripherals. In computing, a parallel port is a parallel communication physical interface. It is also known as a printer port or Centronics port. It was an i...


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What is parallel port? - Computer Hope's free computer help接吻時,男人的手透露出來的秘密   吻,是一種情不自禁,也可以是說是一種甜蜜的陰謀。單純看男人的吻還不夠,還要考察他的雙手,手往往最容易洩露秘密。那麼,和女人接吻的時候,男人的手一般放在哪裡呢?   摟著你的腰、臉、肩: 這種愛從容,醇厚,大氣,有寬容之心,相信自己的愛可以征服對Computer dictionary definition for what parallel port means including related links, information, and terms. ... You are here: Dictionary > P - Definitions Parallel port Less commonly referred to as the Centronics interface or Centronics connector after t...
