anova - How to interpret and report eta squared / partial eta squared in statistically significant a婚前花費越多,婚後感情越差: 女人把花錢當初評判愛情的標準,男人卻把花出去的錢當成報復婚姻的理由。 情人節是戀人的“生死劫”: 情人節是戀人們的第一道“鬼門關”,很多之前甜蜜的戀人都在情人節前後分手。 聽媽媽話的女兒離婚率高: 乖乖女的婚姻出現問題的機I have data that has eta squared values and partial eta squared values calculated as a measure of effect size for group mean differences. What is the difference between eta squared ......