Past tense - definition of past tense by The Free Dictionary 圖帆攝自youtube 他是認真的! 高手在民間,也許剛才與我們擦肩而過的路人就擁有非同尋常的天賦。下面這名叫做黃卓鵬的18歲男孩小時候因高燒引發病毒性腦膜炎,直到現在都行動不便,視力受損。他來到「中國夢想秀」的舞台,想要展示自己的歌喉,觀眾們沒有對他的唱功抱有期待,但他剛剛唱了一句,現場就沸騰了I have related it in the past tense, but the present would be the fitter form, for again and again the somber tragedy reenacts itself in my consciousness--over and over I lay the plan, I suffer the confirmation, I redress the wrong....