Otome Game Review: Brothers Conflict -Passion Pink- | かわいいじゃなきゃダメなの! 今天是我的生日,女友早早的打來電話說 晚上要到家裡去為我祝賀生日, 還要帶給我驚喜! 聽了這個好消息!我今天跑起業務是格外買力。回到公司都下午三點了,到餐廳一看,只剩下可憐的一菜一湯了,肉炒三豆(肉炒黃豆、青豆、豌豆)和蘿蔔湯。沒辦法,跑了一上午客戶,肚子早就咕咕的叫了,只好要了一大盤肉炒三豆和一Aww really enjoyed your review and watching the broadcasts, I will watch what I missed :P I liked everyone a lot more than I thought. When I saw the first images of this game in the magazines I thought I would only like a few brothers, but it turns out ev...