Otome Game Review: Brothers Conflict -Passion Pink- | かわいいじゃなきゃダメなの! 之前介紹過兩件縫在一起的奇葩衣服(沒看過點 這裡 ),今天再來說個奇葩褲子。乍一看,是不是沒什麼特別? 但是正面看,咦? 襠部有個奇怪的口袋,目前不確定具體怎麼用 拉開來看是這樣的 據說這是優衣庫母公司管理的另一個Aww really enjoyed your review and watching the broadcasts, I will watch what I missed :P I liked everyone a lot more than I thought. When I saw the first images of this game in the magazines I thought I would only like a few brothers, but it turns out ev...