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Patch - definition of patch by The Free Dictionary 儘管眾人對這對情侶組合一開始感到滿腦問號,但麥莉與新歡阿諾之子派翠克史瓦辛格,自萬聖節的派對場合相識相戀以來時間竟不知不覺就過了三個月! 不管外界眼光以及老媽的看法,派翠克前幾天攜話題女星來到南方的溫暖海域上演鴛鴦戲水戲碼。裸著上身的派翠克只穿著灰色短褲、露出結實胸膛,與一整身黑戴著法式寬沿帽、穿patch (păch) n. 1. a. A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear. b. A small piece of cloth used for patchwork. 2. A small cloth badge affixed to a garment as a decoration or an i...


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