Patpong in Bangkok - Bangkok Go Go Bars - Bangkok Hotels, Tours, Shopping, Nightlife and Travel Info 老婆的心思非常複雜,九曲十八彎,但是老公喜歡直觀理解,所見即所得。兩個人結成生命的共同體,免不了有些誤會,有些曲解。所以溝通非常重要。老婆生氣了,一個非常重要的宴會不想去了,撂挑子了。因為什麼原因呢?老婆可能會說:好累、好麻煩、好土、好討厭、好虛偽、好無趣……(牢騷的NWhen it comes to go-go bars, favoured establishments on Soi 1 include King's Castle I and II, Sphinx and the Safari Bar, while King's Corner has the largest collection of post-operative transsexuals in Bangkok. Patpong II, or 'Soi Quality' as some like to...