paul bettany wiki

Paul Bettany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說美國某沙漠中,有一個加油站,加油站的停車場中停滿各式各樣的車子,從勞斯萊斯到日產的都有。 有一天,一個年輕人來到這加油站中加油並休息,與老闆閒聊時注意到這件事情,便問老闆說是怎麼回事? 老闆:喔!就是有人無聊,跟我兒子打賭輸的! 年輕人:真的? 老闆:對啊!如果客人能模仿我兒子作十個動作,就算Paul Bettany (born 27 May 1971) is an English actor. He first came to the attention of mainstream audiences when he appeared in the British film Gangster No. 1 (2000), and director Brian Helgeland's film A Knight's Tale (2001). He has gone on to appear in...


Paul Bettany - Marvel Movies Wiki - Wolverine, Iron Man 2, Thor 一個鄉下來的小夥子去應聘城裡大百貨公司的銷售員。 老闆問他:「你以前做過銷售員嗎?」 他回答說:「我以前是村子裡挨家挨戶推銷的小販子。」 對談之下,老闆蠻喜歡他的機靈:「你明天可以來上班了,下班的時候,我會來看一下。」 一天的光陰對這個鄉下來的窮小子來說太長了,而且還有些難熬。 但是年輕人還是熬到Paul Bettany voiced J.A.R.V.I.S. in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Iron Man 3 and Avengers......


Firewall (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia女人怕老~男人怕不行!!! Firewall is a 2006 American-Australian thriller film directed by Richard Loncraine and written by Joe Forte. The film stars Harrison Ford as a banker who is forced by criminals, led by Paul Bettany, to help them steal $100 million....


Avengers 2: Paul Bettany's Vision of The Future - IGN人類...別再抄襲我們了!!!! Paul Bettany has kept pretty mum on his role as the android The Vision in Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, but now the Mortdecai actor has spilled a few new details about his role in the superhero flick. According to, it seems that Bettany's ...
