Honda S2000 快點加入MX-5行列吧
Paul Hollywood: bake with wholemeal flour for a healthy January - Telegraph Honda近年積極佈局規劃運動化車款開發,從先前推出相隔已久的新世代NSX、S660及Civic Type-R等車款,等等……是不是覺得好像少了誰?沒錯!就是缺了S2000! 不過也不要失望,有消息傳出目前S2000已著手進行開發,動力部分為了有更出色節能表現及科技趨勢Paul Hollywood: bake with wholemeal flour for a healthy January Wholemeal flour is a healthy and delicious way to keep those New Year fitness and diet promises ... Others may opt for a New Year detox, or join a gym in January to get back in shape, but my ...