Koobii人氣嚴選184【師大附中-曾婕安】- 落在人間的音樂小精靈
Paul Potts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 該怎麼說呢~音樂真的是很奇妙的東西,到底這種東西為什麼能讓人充滿某種特質呢?就像就讀師大附中音樂班的婕安,就有一種淘氣中帶有氣質的感覺,淘氣可能是她天生的個性,但氣質應該就是音樂陶冶出來的吧~或許婕安不是那種很亮眼的漂亮女孩,但看久了你一定會被她深深吸引,因為小編已經被吸住了~~(羞) (以下桃紅Paul Robert Potts (born 13 October 1970) is a British tenor. In 2007, he won the first series of ITV's Britain's Got Talent with his performance of "Nessun dorma", an aria from Puccini's opera Turandot. As a singer of operatic pop music, Potts recorded th...