古董骨瓷花紋上身,Herschel SUPPLY CO. 推出Fine China 新品包袋
PC World | Laptops, Tablets, iPads, Desktop PCs, Printers & More為向英國悠久的飲茶文化致敬,加拿大包袋品牌Herschel SUPPLY CO. 近日推出一系列以古董骨瓷為設計靈感的新品包袋Fine China。品牌將蘊含古典氣息的華麗花朵覆蓋在城市背包、手提袋、零錢包等多款包型上,而包袋內部也設計成中國傳統瓷器的藍白花紋,甚為細緻。 Fine China 系列Free Delivery or Collect @ Store on a Great Range of products including the latest Laptops, Desktop PCs, Tablets, iPads, Printers, Hard Drives and more. ... Our other websites KNOWHOW | PC World Business | PC World ......