Hybrid PCB Stack-up - Intel: Tablet, 2in1, Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone, Server, Embe - 01 - 最新一期《爸爸去哪兒》里,吳尊被自家兩個娃好好「坑」了一把。 先是被自家女兒「吐槽」頑皮,後來又吃了女兒選的芥末餅乾,生雞蛋砸頭,吳尊爸爸被整,觀眾卻被這頑皮的一家三口圈粉了。 330559-001 7 Appendix A: Signal Integrity Study a) Transmission lines and loss in hybrid PCB stack-up In a hybrid PCB stack-up, there are different types of microstrip and stripline. Figure A1 shows nine different cases. Cases 1 to 3 are symmetrical ......