SFFWG Renames PCIe SSD SFF-8639 Connector To U.2 文章取自微信公眾號:帶你遊遍英國(weloveuk) 話說,喜歡看BBC動物紀錄片的孩紙,可能都知道BBC在拍攝的過程中,喜歡把攝像頭因地制宜的偽裝成各種道具,矇混進被拍攝的動物圈子裡... 畢竟,如果貿然一幫人跑去過動物身邊拍攝,要麼把動物嚇跑,要麼被動The SSD Form Factor Working Group (SFFWG) announced that SFF-8639 will now be referred to as the U.2 connector in a bid to simplify the confusing nomenclature around the new PCIe 3.0 x4 connector. When the first PCIe SSDs came to market they were high cos...