蜜蜂築巢....真是太會選地點了 (點圖看大圖喔)
Audio file format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia蜜蜂築巢....真是太會選地點了某天 某分隊接到一件為民服務捕蜂案件 消防人員到達現場 當場傻眼 哇塞! 大家的反應是.. A君:天下為公(女王蜂真是太會找對象了) B君:真是一代偉人....... C君:不要告訴我.. 你們最後是用火燒一代偉人..One major uncompressed audio format, LPCM, is the same variety of PCM as used in Compact Disc Digital Audio and is the format most commonly accepted by low level audio APIs and D/A converter hardware. Although LPCM can be stored on a computer as a raw aud...