Voip Think - Codec - G.711 a law and µ or u law - PCM TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 前幾日逝世的時尚老佛爺-卡爾拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld),除了在秀場、螢光幕前是品牌創意總監身分外,更是一位優秀的攝影師。但你不知道的是,那些藏在攝影作品中的內心糾葛,以及崇尚裸身攝影的他,到底藏著甚麼樣的美感堅持?甚至在相片中微露鋒芒的Explanation of a codec functions with their parameters. Example with G.711. Differences between A Law (a-law) and µ Law (u-law). Differences between PCM and ADPCM ... Voice and audio signals are analogic, whereas data network is digital. The transformatio...