男大生藉口身體不舒服要帶學妹回宿舍休息還在水裡下迷藥... 沒想到他居然做出『這種事』!太無恥了!
How to Install PCSX2 0.9.8 + bios + Kingdom Hearts II (MAY 2012) - YouTube 翻拍自百度照片 Dcard有名義守大學的學生出來爆料這樣的事... 以下為原PO的文: 文長 慎入女生千萬別私自見男學長真的很可怕!!!!!!!怎麼會有那麼無恥的男生!!!!!!!!!!聽說一個女生在臉書上面認識一個男學長兩人聊得非常開心,男的就約女的出來見面後來男的以身體不舒服為由NOTE: When you start playing KH2 for the first time the command, HP & MP bar is really invisible, there is noting wrong with it, just play and the it will appear later. Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5800 @ 3.20HGz 3.20GHz Installed memory (RAM): 2....