pcsx2 bios 2012

How to Install PCSX2 0.9.8 + bios + Kingdom Hearts II (MAY 2012) - YouTube 翻拍自百度照片   Dcard有名義守大學的學生出來爆料這樣的事... 以下為原PO的文: 文長 慎入女生千萬別私自見男學長真的很可怕!!!!!!!怎麼會有那麼無恥的男生!!!!!!!!!!聽說一個女生在臉書上面認識一個男學長兩人聊得非常開心,男的就約女的出來見面後來男的以身體不舒服為由NOTE: When you start playing KH2 for the first time the command, HP & MP bar is really invisible, there is noting wrong with it, just play and the it will appear later. Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5800 @ 3.20HGz 3.20GHz Installed memory (RAM): 2....


ANY GAME AT FULL SPEED PCSX2 0.9.8 !!!! FINALLY 2012 with latest bios and plugins - YouTube還記得唸書時惱人的數學題嗎?明明每一個數字都認識,可是偏偏就解不出正確的答案,絞盡了腦汁都未必能答對。今天就用另類的趣味簡單數字題來考考大家,以下是由火柴組成「6+4=4」的題目,大家只需要移動一根火柴的位置就能夠把答案改正了。   一起來試試看吧!   ▼「6+4=4」是錯的答Hey!! THIS IS LAVINSH PARSAI HELPING YOU TO GET FULL SPEED IN PCSX2 0.9.8.... Here is the best configuration for pcsx2 0.9.8. Here is the link for the latest pcsx2 download:http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php Here is the link for bios:http://www.mediafire.com/...


Bios - ..:: PCSX2 Forums ::..isCar! 在日內瓦前夕,Volvo正式對外發表新年式小改V40/V40 Cross Country(底盤架高的跨界掀背)的定裝照。從旗艦休旅XC90、旗艦轎車S90、旗艦旅行車V90,一直到這台風靡歐洲大陸的V40,Volvo一一為旗下車款換上特色十足的雷槌頭燈。 因為V40僅屬小改,所以在外形(10-03-2012 12:45 PM) Ice Queen Zero Wrote: PS2 BIOS is Sony's property while PCSX2 is an open source project. That is my point. Why would the developers go to the trouble to build PCSX and not develop a bios for the project? That is kind of silly isn't i...


呆丸北拜: 《PCSX2 模擬器新手教學》第一篇:下載並安裝 PCSX2 1.2.1 正式版isCar! 從車輛模組化、產品快速改款維持熱度、一直到現今的跨界車款,各家車廠一直緊跟著市場趨勢,填滿空隙,滿足消費者需求。做為跨界四驅旅行車始祖的Audi,過去曾推出A6 allroad quattro和A4 allroad quattro,而M-Benz在新款E-Class推出後,M-Benz步驟 下載 PCSX2 1.2.1 的壓縮檔:http://pcsx2.net/download/releases/windo...inary.html 下載並安裝最新版 7-zip:http://www.7-zip.org 使用 7-zip 解壓縮 PCSX2 1.2.1 的壓縮檔 給 PCSX2 1.2.1 安裝 PS2 BIOS:從 http://goo.gl/40HYM 下載 PS2 BIOS。...


An orientation through some of the PCSX2 BIOS & memcard tools (Windows).isCar! 以終極油電超跑三天王之一的「P1」,再度樹立品牌高端性能形象的McLaren,如今在牛(lamborghini即將推出品牌首款性能跑旅Urus)、馬(Ferrari有全新獨立四座GTC4 Lusso)等超跑車廠夾殺下,逼得旗下僅有唯二車型(Coupe雙門、Spider敞篷)的McLar(08-01-2012 08:09 PM) vsub Wrote: uLaunchELF and the dumper are both PS2 programs...it doesn't matter which you will run first but if you are going to make a disk,better make it with uLaunchELF because,ule is not useful just to dump the bios You can also ...


[PS2-Emu] PCSX2 1.3.1 Updated! (Complete w/ BIOS, Tools & Patches) + BIOS CollectionisCar! BMW車迷引頸期盼的最新小型雙門跑車M2,甫在2016年初的北美車展中全球首發的M2,僅在短短不到兩個月的時間正登台亮相,正式建議售價為329萬,代表著它一匹馬力不需要花到一萬元! 40多年以來,由BMW M GmbH打造的高性能車款引人爭相追逐,令熱血靈魂不懈躍動。以創造卓越動力與操http://imageshack.com/a/img819/4532/8bdx.png Hi Emu Fans ^^ I just packed an up to date package of PCSX2 with everything you might ever need. And it's not 1.1.0, not 1.2.0 or 1.3.0, BUT 1.3.1 !! Included are all latest plugins, bios, widescreen hacks, pat...
