ASPO International | The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas 照片裡這個體型有點肉感的8歲小男孩名叫傑克(Jake Vella), 他曾經也像很多同齡小朋友一樣,瘦瘦的小身板蘊含無限活力,調皮愛臭美,擁有健康快樂的童年時光。 但2015年時,傑克在飲食沒有大變化的情況下忽然迅速發胖,短短半年時間就增重十幾公斤。父母開始What is Peak oil? "The term Peak Oil refers to the maximum rate of the production of oil in any area under consideration, recognising that it is a finite natural resource ... ASPO is a network of scientists and others, having an interest in determining th...