女人千萬不能為男人做 4 件傻事!
Peak oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia女人天生情感動物,情感天生搞人犯傻,古往今來,女人為了男人而做傻事的例子數不勝數,最終的結局,傷害最深的還是女人自己,根據對來信傾訴的綜合分析,說說女人千萬不能為了男人而做的4件傻事,希望女人們看後,有所銘記。第一,不顧一切地背叛父母:無論怎麽說,父母對於孩子,都是深重愛的,父母做什麽事情,都會首先Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline.[1] Peak oil theory is based on the observed r...