USB flash drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 走路要看清楚啊!A USB flash drive, also known under a variety of other names,[a] is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smal...
快閃隨身碟 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 真的 他們現在很團結!! 隨身碟(又稱閃存盤、USB記憶體、優盤、U盤、電子盤、隨身碟、記憶棒、手指),是一種使用USB介面連線電腦,並通常通過快閃記憶體來進行資料儲存的小型便攜儲存裝置。一般USB隨身碟體積極小、重量輕、可重複寫入,面世後迅速普及並取代傳統的 ......
品牌隨身碟 ,記憶卡 / 隨身碟 ,3C -GOHAPPY快樂購物網 我才剛出生= ="GOHAPPY快樂購物網:品牌隨身碟 , 記憶卡 / 隨身碟 , 3C ... 本周破盤商品 《二入組》SONY 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Class10 記憶卡(附轉卡) ※此賣場為二入組賣場※ .對應UHS-I規格,讀取速度最高可達40MB/s...
Pen Drive | Manufacturers of portable USB flash memory products and solutions 性感阿~~ Pen Drive create Flash disks, USB hard drives, MP3 players and digital camera the size of your thumb. They require no cable, no external power and no separate drive reader to operate. Just a complete integrated USB solid state drive with no moving parts....